Mira is a social enterprise by fbmi
Mira is a social enterprise by fbmi
During our ten-year journey, the Fatima Bint Mohamed Bin Zayed Initiative has put sustainability at the forefront of its mission. We work to empower low-income Afghans, especially women, by providing them with various sustainable sources of income and opportunities, such as adult life and vocational training, schooling for their children, social development, medical care, clean water, and various economic reforms.
The Initiative has hired over 8,000 Afghans, 70% of whom are women, and 35% of these women are widows, making them the sole bread winner of their families.
Our Education Department fights against child labor with a positive focus on facilitating education. All children under the age of 15 must attend full-time schooling and our supervisors work closely with the schools to ensure the attendance of the 20,000 children currently enrolled in our educational program. Our Health Department provides each of our employees and their family with free healthcare and regular medical check-ups, no matter how remote the area they live in. We have also invested in the vaccination campaign against polio, and in fighting malnutrition. Over the years, the FBMI has provided healthcare services to over 200,000 patients across 34 Afghan provinces.
Despite the current situation in Afghanistan, our efforts have never stopped. We continue supporting underprivileged communities by purchasing their produce at a fair wage, and providing them with critical social services.
We remain committed to women empowerment, and currently work with 600 female farmers harvesting saffron in the province of Herat, 1,000 female farmers picking dried fruits and nuts all around the country, and employ 42 women in our processing centers. The ripple effect of empowerment has extended to 17,000 indirect beneficiaries of our efforts through their communities.